Eric Schilsky Quotes

It is the order in which you work, which leads to the final result…The order in which you work should be identical with the order in which you see, if otherwise, you are working in opposition to the forms…By this method of procedure, all small forms and surface incidents or accents come last, as they should; and must be kept subordinate and subservient to the one big controlling form of the work. I know and have no doubts in my mind that only in this way will a truly scuptural work be produced.

To construct anatomically is in absolute contradiction to this method, as the procedure is reversed, beginning with bones and muscles which are small forms, and then trying to weld the work into sculptural unity. This is impossible to achieve as it is exactly the same as if an architect took one frame of glass and then built around it, then the brick work round the frame and finally arriving at the shape of the building, the final result would be an accident, not having preconceived.

Every work of art is a self portrait of the creator. How important is it therefore that we develop ourselves spiritually as well as in the techniques we set out to acquire. The latter through their constant exercise will automatically develop and will become increasingly fluent.

But alas, the former is the revealing mirror of our very souls, and from those who can read our works, there is no escape.

A Thought, Eric Schilsky

Note: Eric Schilsky was himself an agnostic.